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Author and Pa ReSources

This page is for all my authors and PAs to schedule parties and takeovers in my reader group. If there is any questions please reach out to myself or one of my PAs.

Author Takeovers in Dark Sins Reader Group

This is for a takeover spot in Dark Sins Readers Group. It is a group of authors Cheyenne Browning and Mania Balor. 

This group is a mixed readers group of Dark Romances and Sapphic Romances. All Spicy Authors are welcome to book a takeover spot. Must be open door spicy scenes and must be 18+ only. This group is not for the faint of heart. 

Takeovers are not limited to posts and can utilize all of their two hour slot for their takeover. Readers love games and giveaways so make sure you bring plenty with you! Mods will be removed shortly after your takeover has been completed. 

If you have any questions or need help please feel free to reach out to one of us. You may use the contact form on the site or you can send an email to-

I look forward to seeing you in the group soon! 

Cheyenne Browning

Book your Author Takeover Now

Booking Parties in Dark Sins Readers Group

This is for a group party for Dark Sins Reader group. This group is considered a mixed group of Dark Romance and Sapphic Paranormal Romance readers. 

All parties must be 18+ and no one under that age will be allowed to participate nor is anyone allowed to post under 18 content. These rules are the most important and not following them will result in an automatic ban for future parties. 

No closed door spice, all must be open door. We love our smut. 

Mods will go out 48 to 72 hours if you give the list in time, otherwise it will come as we have time. Mods need to be returned after the party has completed. No admin status will be given for any reason. 

If you have any questions or need to book something sooner, please contact me or my PA.

Much Love and Smut,

Cheyenne Browning

Book a Group Party Now

More Author Resources

Author resources that may be helpful to learn or know..

Beginning Self-Publishing Author Checklist